28 november 2022

Now available: Europan 15 publication

Leestijd: 2 minuten


The Europan 15 publication is now available. It is the continuing story of the Europan 15 NL competition in Rotterdam that kicked off in 2019. The housing crisis, the climate crisis and the increasing unaffordability of urban centres were on the agendas of all major European cities. The competition’s theme, the Productive City, sought to address these problems.

Europan 15

Nevertheless, by March 2020’s Europan 15 NL award ceremony for the Rotterdam sites, this progressive course of action was about to hit some turbulence. The Covid-19 world pandemic had surfaced in Europe, spreading illness, fear and uncertainty. Since then, life has changed. How we live in cities has changed, world markets have crumbled, the cost of building has skyrocketed. We continue to weather climate disasters and humanitarian crises the likes of which we have never seen before, and some we thought we would never see again. The plan unravelled, as even the best plans do.

But we adapt, we develop, and we remain committed to working together to solve challenges that are larger than individual ambitions. The Europan15 NL competition has become the success that it is – in spite of the extenuating circumstances – not only due to the incredible projects the teams delivered, but also because of the commitment of the public and private partners who weathered these storms alongside the wining teams. Together, they pursue new solutions through dialogue and collaboration, giving ‘a new taste of this way of making a city’ (Esther Heemskerk, City of Rotterdam).

After a 2 year’s period of Covid-19 pandemic this Europan 15 publication presents a story that is both catalogue of the projects as they were when they were submitted in 2019, and a reflection on the continuing process in Rotterdam, collecting insights to apply as we engage in a new bread of city making. The publication is freely available now at the naibooksellers shop at Het Nieuwe Instituut, order your free copy now!

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